Paper Submission Guide

Papers intended for publication in the AFTRA Journal of Teaching and Learning in Africa are expected to conform to the following rules:

Critical Rule –
Use Times New Roman throughout the paper. Except for the title of the paper which is font size 14, the rest of the paper should be font size 12. Using single-spacing for abstract and 1.5 spacing for the rest of the paper; consequently, indicate a new paragraph with double-spacing, not indentation. However, abstract does not require paragraphing.

Other Rules -
Title of paper – Written in capital letters.

Name and affiliation of author – Use sentence case; include author’s email. The title, author and affiliation should be centered. For multiple authors - do not use numbers to indicate affiliation of authors. Write all authors’ names with affiliation directly below their respective names.

Abstract – Not more than 200 words, single-spacing and italicized.

Key words – Not more than five words arranged alphabetically.

Sections of the paper – Major sections of the paper should be written in capital letters; for sub-sections, use sentence case.

Headings- Tables, figures, photos, etc. together with their headings should be centred; headings should be numbered serially for tables, figures, and photos,

No use of bullet points. Numbering should be Roman numerals (small letters).
Author & date (APA style) should be used in citing sources in the text.

References – These should be arranged alphabetically and conform in all respects with APA style. Foot or endnotes are not allowed.

Research papers – Do not use the project report content, rather reorganize the report under the following headings: Introduction, Theoretical and Literature Review, Methodology, Findings, Discussion of Findings, Conclusion and Recommendations. These are to be treated as sections of a paper and not
chapters. Therefore, the various research issues that are normally treated in detail when using the project report format must be condensed and adequately presented under these headings.

Pages of a paper– 12 pages maximum, including references.

PLAGIARISM – AFTRA Journal has zero tolerance for plagiarism. Authors must subject their papers to plagiarism test before submission. The Editorial Board will do its own check and papers that fail the test will be declined.

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