AFTRA 10 YEARS ANNIVERSARY (2010-2019), PLUS AFTRA 8th Conference & 10th Roundtable, 2019

2019 Maseru, Lesotho

AFTRA was founded in 2010. Therefore,  it was exactly ten years old in 2019. The 10th Anniversary was a memorable continental event hosted by the Kingdom of Lesotho. The 2019 AFTRA Conference, Roundtable and Anniversary were organised by the Ministry of Education and Training, Lesotho led by the Minister of Education Professor Ntoi Rapapa. Remarkably, the Rt. Hon. Prime Minister of Lesotho, H.E. Dr  Motsoahae Thomas Thabane, personally led the celebration. He attend with the Armed Forces Chiefs, Heads of the National Parliament and Judiciary, making it a historic national cum continental celebration. The Anniversary was exciting after taking stock of AFTRA's excellent achievements, growth and expansion and contributions to the changing landscape of the teaching profession in Africa. The photo shows the Rt. Hon. Prime Minister with the Ministers of Education including the then Commissioner of Education, Science, Technology, and Innovation (ESTI) Professor Sarah Agbor, Head of the Education Division of the ESTI, Dr Beatrice Njenga, AFTRA leadership and other key stakeholders.