Continental Resources

African Union Continental Framework of Standards and Competences for the Teaching Profession, 2019

This document prescribes the competences for teachers and school leaders in Africa.

African Union Continental Teacher Qualification Framework, 2019

This frame work describes the levels of education and exit competences to qualify as a teacher or school leader in Africa. It also establishes the teacher career path/stages and their requirements for teachers and school leaders.

African Union Continental Guidelines for the Teaching Profession, 2019

The Guidelines explain measures that member countries must take to establish teaching as a profession. These include enacting a law to make teaching a profession, legally and establishing a National Teaching Council as an independent professional body to regulate the teaching profession. Attached to the Guidelines are toolkits and resources such as sample of laws and teacher registration processes and documents to help countries desiring to fast-track the professionalisation of their teaching force.

African Union Note Verbale to Member States to Implement the Teacher Frameworks, 2021

This note verbale was issued by the African Union to member states to implement the continental teacher frameworks such as the Framework of Standards and Competences, Teacher Qualification Framework, and Guidelines for the Teaching Profession.

African Union Study of Teacher Training, Working and Living Conditions in Africa, 2017

This African Union study was conducted at the inception of the Continental Education Strategy for Africa (CESA) 2016-2025. The aim was to provide evidence-based recommendations for the implementation of CESA, particularly CESA Strategic Objective 1 which is the "Revitalisation of the teaching profession." The recommendations of the study, therefore, are the foundations of the numerous teacher frameworks, policies and programmes developed and implemented by the African Union so far.

Continental Education Strategy for Africa (CESA) 2016-2025

The is the landmark document that defines the educational aspirations and strategic objectives of Africa. It is Africa's response to the UN Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4 - Education. It, further, incorporates the African Union "Agenda 2063: The Africa We Want," which has a vision of Africa as a united, prosperous and democratic continent with immense global power by 2063. CESA 2016-2025, therefore, is the single most important compass for educational transformation at the continental level.

African Union Agenda 2063: The Africa We Want.

This is a visioning document developed by the African Union to indicate where Africa should by by 2063. It elaborates Africa's vision and dreams for all the key sectors.

African Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ASG-QA), 2018

This document contains the fundamental indicators, processes and networks for quality assurance in Africa's higher education.


CIRCULAR/CIRCULAIRE CHANGE OF DATE OF AFTRA 2024 CONFERENCE & ROUNDTABLE CHANGEMENT DE DATE DE LA CONFÉRENCE ET TABLE RONDE AFTRA 2024 MUDANÇA DE DATA DA CONFERÊNCIA E MESA REDONDA AFTRA 2024 The public is hereby informed that due to global issues beyond the control of Zambia, the host country and AFTRA, the date of the AFTRA 2024 Conference and Roundtable has been changed from May 20-25, 2024 to May 6-11, 2024. All inconveniences are highly regretted. Le public est informé par la présente qu'en raison de problèmes mondiaux indépendants de la volonté de la Zambie, du pays hôte et de l'AFTRA, la date de la conférence et de la table ronde de l'AFTRA 2024 a été modifiée du 20 au 25 mai 2024 au 6 au 11 Mai 2024. Tous les inconvénients sont vivement regrettés. O público é informado que, devido a questões globais fora do controle da Zâmbia, do país anfitrião e da AFTRA, a data da Conferência e Mesa Redonda AFTRA 2024 foi alterada de 20 a 25 de maio de 2024 para 6 a 11 de Maio de 2024. Todos inconvenientes são altamente lamentados.


This is the AFTRA 2024 Conference and Roundtable Announcement with the new date, May 6-11, 2024. All other programmes remain unchanged.