AFTRA Conference Intercontinental Session, May 8, 2024

June 03, 2024

AFTRA Conference Intercontinental Session, May 8, 2024

The Intercontinental session featured various speakers across the world. Among them are:

i. Dr. Manos Antoninis, Director, UNESCO Global Education Monitoring [GEM] Report: 
Spotlight on basic education completion and foundational learning in Africa.
ii. Dr Quentin Wodon, Director, UNESCO IICBA: Reaching Out to Teachers and School Leaders:
New Communications and Training Opportunities.
iii Professor Steve Nwokeocha, Executive Director [Academics], AFTRA:
AFTRA Licensure for School Leaders in Africa.
iv Professor Florence Banku Obi, Vice Chancellor, University of Calabar, Calabar, Nigeria: 
Preparation of Future Generation Teachers: The University of Calabar, Nigeria.
v. Mr. Tinti Enoch Rabotapi, Chief Director, Ministry of Basic Education, South Africa and Co-Chair, 
Teacher Task Force: Programmes of the Teacher Task Force in Africa.
vi Dr. Betty Ogange, Education Specialist: Teacher Education, Commonwealth of Learning, Canada: 
Programmes of Commonwealth of Learning related to teaching and learning in Africa.
vii Sangeeta Singh, Chief Executive Officer, Fiji Teachers Registration Authority (FTRA), Suva,
Fiji Islands: The regulation of teaching in the Fiji Islands.
viii Prof Mariëtte Reyneke, University of the Free State, South Africa: Education Laws in Africa.
ix Professor Houssine Azeddoug, President, Hassan II University Casablanca, Maroc: 
Transforming Teacher Competences: Lessons from Morocco.

The session afforded delegates and participants opportunity to get abreast of global developments in the teaching profession and quality education in general. Photo shows the Vice Chancellor, University of Calabar, Professor Florence Banku Obi, addressing the delegates and participants.
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